Sunday, August 22, 2010


Here is the config Requested by Tan2x in my Chatbox :)

This macro config is not My own Work and I am not claiming it as my own... because this config came from a player in Facebook who also Likes to share bot configs... hence IM ONLY SHARING HIS WORK... hahaha!! :)

Below Here is the Config

It's easy to modify... just use common sense... or maybe none required.. hahaha!! :)

TIP/NOTE: COPY THE CODES into a BLANK NOTEPAD so you could read ie EASIER in the EYEs

automacro ten {
console /Your Coordinates/i
call {
do move payon 162 76
pause 1
call changer

macro changer {
call pub
macro pub {
do chat create " Thank You Macro Bot " 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " Introducing" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " Marquee Macrobot " 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " For those who are " 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " or those who are i" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " r those who are in" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " those who are int" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " hose who are inter" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " ose who are intere" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " se who are interes" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " e who are interest" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " who are intereste" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " who are interested" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " ho are interested " 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " o are interested t" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " are interested to" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " re interested to h" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " e interested to ha" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " interested to hav" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " interested to have" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " nterested to have " 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " terested to have a" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " erested to have a " 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " rested to have a b" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " ested to have a bo" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " sted to have a bot" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " ted to have a bot " 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " ed to have a bot j" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " d to have a bot ju" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " to have a bot jus" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " to have a bot just" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " o have a bot just " 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " have a bot just l" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " have a bot just li" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " ave a bot just lik" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " ve a bot just like" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " e a bot just like " 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " a bot just like m" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " a bot just like mi" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " bot just like min" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " bot just like mine" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " ot just like mine " 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " t just like mine f" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " just like mine fe" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " just like mine fee" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " ust like mine feel" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " st like mine feel " 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " t like mine feel f" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " like mine feel fr" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " ike mine feel free" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " ke mine feel free " 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " e mine feel free t" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " mine feel free to" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " mine feel free to " 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " ine feel free to a" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " ne feel free to ad" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " e feel free to add" 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " FEEL " 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " FREE " 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " TO " 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " ADD " 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " ME " 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " VISIT " 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " POST " 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " AT " 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " MY Blogspot " 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " ACCOUNT " 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " ( " 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " " 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " ( " 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " " 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " ( " 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " " 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " ( " 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " " 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " ( " 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " " 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " ( " 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " " 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " ( " 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " " 5 0 123456789
pause .5
do chat modify " ( " 5 0 123456789
pause 5
do chat leave
call changer

Please.. Put your comments regarding the configs in The comments section.. thanks!! :)

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