Friday, July 23, 2010

Double Strafe Mercenary bot

Hi guys!! wahahaha!! I'm really amazed by myself... having all the trouble with me in LOSING my LAPTOP.... hahaha!! I just smiled at it... saying
"I'll get your parts and TEAR you apart if you don't get FIXED... wahahaha!! "

And this just came up into me... which some may already have... a bot completely for mosco... wahhahahaha!!!

BUT!! i will not release it... for reasons...
1. The bot will Get stuck in the MOBS of players due to KS'ing
2. The Mercenary bot will not be able to do Double Strafe because the bot just moves around trying to KS other mercenaries....

****Although this would not happen if and only if the player is Botting an Archer job class****

and... hmmm that may be all... ahahaha!!

BUT!! I WILL GIVE this config....

monsterSkill Merc_Double Strafing {
lvl 7
timeout 1

monsterSkill MA_DOUBLE {
lvl 5
timeout 1

attackSkillSlot Double Strafe (MA_DOUBLE) {
lvl 5
dist 9
maxCastTime 0
minCastTime 0
mercenary_sp > 12
stopWhenHit 0
inLockOnly 0
notInTown 0
timeout 0
disabled 0
monsters Spore
maxAttempts 0
maxUses 0
isSelfSkill 0
manualAI 0

Just paste it in your config.txt just BEfore the attackskillslot

If you seem to Have problem in configuring it to your config.txt PLEase>>>PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE CONTROL.rar HERE and replace the control folder with the one in the CONTROL.rar

I don't know which of this three config made mine work... but What the HECK! just do it!! wahahah!!

BTW.. This is the Screenshot for the KS'ing Mercenary

Hmm... if anyone would want the KS'ing bot for MOSCO... i will post it LATER.. I'd just UPDATE this post.. :)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

BG bot Config

Hmmm... I thought that... i wouldn't be able to post new updates since my LAPtop went to the cementery.. It's AMAZING what Favors can do for you... hahahah!!

Anyways... Since Kuya Jobo requested... hehehe... and although it's not my config... i would like to Introduce to you guys The BG [BATTLEGROUNDS] BOT CONFIG!!!!!

Just Follow the Intrusctions Below
- Added Custom AFK Modification
- Removed Battle PK Behavior
- Hopefully fixed the "stucked in barricade" issue

1. Leave your LockMap "blank"

2. Leave also the Sitting Conditions blank to prevent your bot sitting in certain situations

3. ADD "macro_delay 1.0" in your timeouts.txt

4. Kindly add this to your config.txt


##### Battle Grounds Config #####

Battle_Map tierra1
Battle_AI 1
Battle_Random 0


Battle_Map <--- Choose among tierra1,tierra2,tierra3,tierra4
(v1.0: Only Tierra Maps are currently available)
TAKE NOTE: This Version is the V1.1 so the Maps AVAILABLE is NOT only Tierra
NPC locations:
tierra1 | flavius1 | tierra2 | flavius2

tierra3 | flavius3 | tierra4 | flavius4

Battle_AI <--- [boolean]
0 = Going AFK. Doing a random Pub with an excuse as a title ,
1 = Going to Attack. Tierra: Going to the enemy food and attack it.

Battle_Random <--- [boolean]
0 = will use the map specified in Battle_Map over and over again,
1 = will go to a random Map every round.

PLEASE... TO DOWNLOAD THE macros.txt Just Click Here
*Rename the file you downloaded to macros.txt and place it in your Control Folder~!

Modify the following inside macros.txt to personalize your custom AFK AI:

$useCustomIdleAI = No
Use Custom Idle AI? Yes or No *case sensitive*

$customX = x
$customY = y

Desired Location(x,y) where your bot will hide inside the map and will AFK.

$customPub = @random ("Custom1","Custom2","Custom3")
Desired custom "excuses" why you're AFK.
example: $customPub = @random ("goin out movie","phone call brb","brb","brb sleepwalking","/gg")[/code]
If you have question about the BG Bot Macro please read this: Battle Grounds Macro
If anyone Has A question about this Bot config... I can't answer you directly but... i will try to research about your answer since this config is NOT mine... and I will be configuring it if there is needed to be... :)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Badluck... Strikes all at once...

My phone Got WET together with my LAPTOP

IMBA NAMAN!!!!! NALIGO LAPTOP KO!!!! AMFFFFFFF!!!! nag luto lng ako ng 3 types of menu... dahil masaya ako.. tpos BIGLANG ULAN NAMAN.... hayz..... nasa HOSPITAL tuloy ung LAPTOP ko ngaun.... malubha ang SAKIT.... ang DIAGNOSIS.... ELECTRIC SHOCK in other weords... nag short ung circuit ng motherboard.... magpapa transp...lant pa ata ako ng MOTHERBOARD... hayz..... no LAPTOP for more than 4 weeks.....

for that i ain't gonna be able to post for at least 1 month,... i think... hahaha!!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Alberta Cargo Quest Bot Config

First of all... I forgot to explain the main meaning of Macro in gaming definitions... Macro(in gaming definition)= is the repeating of a coded console or command or whatever others call it... it repeats itself after meeting a certain requirement for it to be triggered and done by a program in this case... our Program is the "Openkore Bot"... and there you have it! :)

Now... This Bot config came From a specific post in i think openkore forums.. although im not Quite Sure....

Just Download the macros.txt HERE.

Then the next thing to do is to Put the file you downloaded inside your Control Folder and if the file that you DOWNLOADED is named (2)macros.txt just remove the "(2)" fromt the filename.

After you have done those, you should Download the next file HERE

I Know it's not my work.... But hey... I'm just sharing what I have found... :)

anyways... it's just like the previous one I've posted... coz it's also a Macro...

Extract the Rar file of the Macro(folder) and the to the root of your openkore folder. Create a folder named "plugins" and in that folder... create another folder named macro... after creating the macro folder, put the extracted files the "macro(folder) and the" in it.

and there you have it... Of course... you need to have a bot for you to Bot... hehehe :D

Note: you may have your bot online for as long as you need it to be... coz the config will do it again for the next day after it had FINISHED the quest.... and just to be specific... the bot will return to the LOCKMAP AFTER IT!!! had finished the quest...
EVERYtime you run the bot with the Macros.txt the bot will initiate the quest immidiately and head to alberta...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Warp Seller or Warper bot config

I have been Looking for this Kind of configuration, yes a Warp Selling bot... this bot config helps in either Warp Selling or WOE warper although you have to configure it so that it would be a warper for WOE by just PM'ing the bot player.

Please Follow the Steps below if you want to have a configuration for it
Step 1: Download the 2 Files from here is the
Macro File and .pl(RAR FILE
Step 2: Extract the Rar file of the Macro(folder) and the to the root of your openkore folder. Create a folder named "plugins" and in that folder... create another folder named macro... after creating the macro folder, put the extracted files the "macro(folder) and the in it.
Step 3: open the macros.txt that you downloaded and edit some details. example is shown below with some notes Please Read carefully

###if you want to change the Location of the warps you have, change the
###amount together with the map name, I configured mine to be arranged
###as follows for the ###bot to follow it in my in-game memorized
###TO BE CLEAR, change the ice - deal 1,000z and other instructions
###to the map you prefer
###The bot will automatically warp to the map EQUAL to the amount
###that has been gained

###NOTE: You must set your dealauto in your config.txt to 2 or 1 either
### way works.

automacro chat {
console /You are sitting./i
call {
do chat create "|Ice1k|Mosco2k|Thor5k|+buffs na!!!"
###the instruction above makes the bot create a chatroom with the title,
### EDIT this as you NEED it to be

automacro antiblock {
console /lale .*? requests a deal/i
call {
do deal no
pause 1

automacro pm {
console /(.*?) .*? requests a deal/i
call {
do pm "$.lastMatch1" Ice - deal 1,000z
do pm "$.lastMatch1" Mosco - deal 2,000z
do pm "$.lastMatch1" Thor - deal 5,000z

automacro Ice {
console /You gained 1,000 zeny./i
exclusive 1
call {
do chat leave
do stand
pause 1
do sp 34 "$.lastMatch1" 10
do c Arigato Gozaimasu| This warp is to IceDun
pause 1
do sl 27 @random ("128 59","129 58","128 60","128 62")
pause 1
do warp 1
do sp 29 "$.lastMatch1" 10
do sp 28 "$.lastMatch1" 10
do e thx
pause 1

automacro Mosco {
console /You gained 2,000 zeny./i
exclusive 1
call {
do chat leave
do stand
pause 1
do sp 34 "$.lastMatch1" 10
do c Arigato Gozaimasu| This warp is to Mosco
pause 2
do sl 27 @random ("128 59","129 58","128 60","128 62")
pause 2
do warp 2
do sp 29 "$.lastMatch1" 10
do sp 28 "$.lastMatch1" 10
do e thx
pause 1

automacro Thor {
console /You gained 5,000 zeny./i
exclusive 1
call {
do chat leave
do stand
pause 1
do sp 34 "$.lastMatch1" 10
do c Domo Arigato Gozaimasu| This warp is to Thor
pause 1
do sl 27 @random ("128 59","129 58","128 60","128 62")
pause 1
do warp 3
do sp 29 "$.lastMatch1" 10
do sp 28 "$.lastMatch1" 10
do e thx
pause 1

Step 4: Put the macro.txt which you had editted into the control folder together with the config.txt etc.
Step 5: Enjoy Warp selling

Another Note, the "do sl 27 @random ("128 59","129 58","128 60","128 62")" indicates that the bot will cast the warp portal on the written coordinates... please be informed that you must save a lockmap in the map and correct these indications or else the bot warp will walk to the ("128 59","129 58","128 60","128 62")" RANDOMLY....